What I'm Reading This Week #1

I've decided to try to document what I've been reading, both for my own purposes and to share with anyone who might be interested in similar things. I get daily emails from various sources (Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle, Diverse, etc) and sometimes there are articles that get stuck in my Inbox because they're interesting and relevant to my teaching, but I don't know what to do with them. This is an attempt at a solution!

Whenever I get a chance, I'll post brief information (author, title, publication, date, etc) here so that I have a record of the articles that caught my eye that week. I'll also include books from time to time. I hope you find these lists useful!

So, for the first, time, here's what I'm reading this week:
Plus one more late-in-the-week addition - maybe I need to get over my hesitation around cold calling in class: