Introductory Math Courses: Precalculus and Calculus

Calculus Issues

 Precalculus as Remediation

  • David Bressoud, The Pitfalls of Calculus 
  • Gerhard Sonnert and Philip M. Sadler (2014). "The impact of taking a college pre-calculus course on students’ college calculus performance." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45:8, 1188-1207. 
  • Eric Hsu, Teri J. Murphy, and Uri Treisman (2007). "Supporting High Achievement In Introductory Mathematics Courses: What We Have Learned From 30 Years of the Emerging Scholars Program." In M. Carlson and C. Rasmussen (Eds.), Making the Connection: Research and Practice in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Washington, DC:Mathematical Association of America.